A Recipe for Conservation*

* Disclosure: this was written as an assignment for partial completion of BIO 675 This past May I had the opportunity to travel to Guyana as part of my graduate studies with Miami University’s Global Field Program. Last summer took me to Baja, Mexico, where my classmates and I were given a crash course inContinue reading “A Recipe for Conservation*”

Little Steps, Bigger Impacts

All in all I’d say that my Sustainability Action Plan is off to a solid start (I’m giving myself a generous 5 out of 10). I’ve cooked more, ensured that “emergency plastic” will no longer be a problem, and am trying to meal plan more effectively.

Is My Veganism Sustainable?

Back in October I wrote that I had recently enrolled in a new degree program, and right now I’m deep into my second full semester. One of my courses is Issues in Biodiversity. In addition to doing a lot of reading and writing, we have all been tasked with designing a personal Biodiversity or SustainabilityContinue reading “Is My Veganism Sustainable?”

Gaining Perspective

This past January I made an impulse decision to apply to a graduate program I’d recently discovered. Although I regularly juggle multiple interests through work, volunteering, hobbies, and travel, I’ve often wished I could do more to make a difference in the world. One day, while cycling through Chanthaburi, Thailand as part of Bike for Elephants 2018,Continue reading “Gaining Perspective”

Liebster Love!

Leaping Libesters, Batgirl! While I’ve been busy studying the ingredients lists on all my groceries and snapping photos at every Vegan Pledge meeting, blogger and almost-Philadelphian Vegan Rescue nominated me for a Liebster Award! Before I get to the details of that, I want to thank Jessica (a.k.a. Vegan Rescue) for such an honor. I recently discoveredContinue reading “Liebster Love!”

Valentine’s Day Shout Out

Wow! Has it really been over a month since my last blog post? In my defense, I’ve been busy. Busy with a new semester, busy with training … but I think that the surprising amount of snow that has fallen on Philadelphia has contributed greatly to my sluggishness. Whenever it snows and we get aContinue reading “Valentine’s Day Shout Out”